Wednesday, 22 December 2010

The alien.

you may not believe it
but there are people
who go through life with 

very little
friction or
they dress well, eat
well, sleep well.
they are contented with
their family
they have moments of
but all in all
they are undisturbed
and often feel
very good.
and when they die
it is an easy
death, usually in their

you may not believe
but such people do

but i am not one of
oh no, I am not one of them,
I am not even near
to being
one of
but they
are there

and I am

Charles Bukowski.

Saturday, 4 December 2010

True or false?

Sad model, Auguste Abeliunait, cried at the Jil Sander fall 2009.

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Janette Beckman, The Clash.

 Joe Strummer, Milan, Italy, 1981

Mick Jones, Milan, Italy, 1980

Paul Simonon, Milan, Italy, 1980

  Paul Simonon, Milan, Italy, 1980
The Clash, Milan, Italy, 1981

Photographs by Janette Beckman. 

Friday, 12 November 2010

Closed Contract.

Painter Jenny Saville and fashion photographer/filmmaker Glen Luchford, 2002.

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Wonder Woman!

Wonder Woman began her existence as a special addition to the December-January, 1941 issue of All Star Comics. In the nine page center spread, the origin of Wonder Woman was told, which luckily was recieved well, leading the way for a comic book that would feature the Amazon Princess.January 1942 saw Wonder Woman in Sensation Comics number one, with a full version of her origin and her first adventure. By Summer 1942, Wonder Woman was a comic book unto itself, and is the only comic book featuring a woman to have been published without fail for fifty-five years.Wonder Woman was aided by the Holliday Girls, lead by the sweet addicted Etta Candy, who were a sorority that would help Wonder Woman in a time of emergency, or vice versa. Etta was the only member of the Holliday Girls who stood out, with her less than svelte body and propensity of saying 'Woo-woo' all the time. Amazingly enough, Etta was the only other character than Steve and Diana herself who has managed to exist for the full run of the title.During this same early period, Wonder Woman joined the Justice Society as its first female member. The Justice Society was the first super-team, featured in All Star Comics, and times being what they were, Wonder Woman, who was the strongest among them, was the secretary of the JSA.
From her inception, Wonder Woman was not out to just stop criminals, but to reform them. On a small island off Paradise Island was Transformation Island, a rehabilitation complex created by the Amazons to house and reform criminals.Armed with her bulletproof bracelets, magic lasso, and her amazonian training, Princess Diana was the archetype of the perfect woman from the mind of her creator, William Moulton Marston. She was beautiful, intelligent, strong, but still possessed a soft side. At that time, her powers came from 'Amazon Concentration,' not as a gift from the gods.Wonder Woman's magic lasso was supposedly forged from the Magic Girdle of Aphrodite, which Queen Hippolyta(Wonder Woman's) mother was bequeathed by the Goddess. Hephastateus borrowed the belt, removed links from it, and that is where the magic lasso came from. It was unbreakeable, infinitely stretchable, and could make all who are encircled in it tell the truth.
In 1947, William Moulton Marston died, leaving Wonder Woman to be written by Robert Kanigher. While H.G. Peter still illustrated the stories, the book lost a bit of its former luster, with Wonder Woman becoming less of a feminist and more of an American heroine..

Lynda Carter
televion series
The New Adventures of Wonder Woman (1975-79).

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Ninù, clothing, bags and other things.

Made in Italy, precisamente, made in Turin!

Il marchio di queste borse si chiama ninù. Esclusivamente handmade e sono vendute solo su internet : CLICK!
La cura con cui questa ragazza crea e rifinisce ogni suo singolo pezzo è ammirevole. Ottima scelta dei colori e dei tessuti, design originale ad un prezzo ragionevole.
 Take a look!

Made in Italy, specifically, made in Turin!

The mark of these bags is called ninù
Exclusively handmade and are sold only on the Internet: CLICK!
This girl creates and finishes every single piece admirably.  
The choice of colors and fabrics is very good, original design and a reasonable price.
 Take a look!

Monday, 8 November 2010

Are you ready?

 7 Dec 2010
 TURIN, PIEMONTE, ITALY                                                                                       myspace

Saturday, 6 November 2010

Amor sacro e amor profano.

Amor sacro e amor profano, Tiziano Vecellio.

Commissionato da Nicolò Aurelio in occasione delle sue nozze con Laura Bagarotto.
venere terrena: rappresenta l'amore terreno, vestita, appoggiata al suo portagioie, mostra le sue ricchezze.
venere celeste: rappresenta l'amore spirituale, riferimento al neoplatonismo, è nuda, pura essenza di amore.
bassorilievo: rappresenta l'amore passionale che porta alla violenza, ha una connotazione negativa.
il sarcofago-fontana: l'amore porta la vita ma anche la morte.

Da: i miei appunti di storia dell' arte.

Friday, 5 November 2010

Sally Mann, photographer.

Sally Mann (Lexington, 1º maggio 1951) è una fotografa statunitense, nota soprattutto per le sue grandi fotografie in bianco e nero, prima dei suoi figli, poi di paesaggi che evocano decadenza e morte.
Si dedica alla fotografia a Putney, per, afferma lei, avere modo di stare sola nella camera oscura con il suo ragazzo di allora. Fa il suo debutto fotografica a Putney, con un'immagine di un compagno di classe nudo.

libri: Second Sight, 1984.
        At Twelve: Portraits of Young Women, 1988  
        Immediate Family, 1992
       Still Time, 1994


Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Monday, 25 October 2010

Sylvia Ji.

 La catrina

La Catrina fue creada para hacer una representación metafórica de la clase social alta de México antes de la revolución mexicana. Posteriormente se hizo el símbolo oficial de la Muerte, el 2 de noviembre en México en el día de muertos.
De acuerdo con el folclor mexicano, "La Catrina," mejor conocida como la muerte, puede mostrarse de muchas formas. Algunas veces se la encuentra alegre, vestida de manera elaborada, con ganas de divertirse e incluso coquetear con los mortales. Otras, nos la encontramos "en los huesos," lista para llevarnos cuando menos lo esperamos. Sin embargo, la relación que los mexicanos tienen con "La Catrina" se define por una serie de circunstancias íntimamente vinculadas con la historia y cultura de México, por lo que ésta se considera un huésped imprescindible en ocasiones importantes, como el Día de los Fieles Difuntos, que se celebra cada 2 de noviembre. De acuerdo a esta tradición, se cree que la muerte, pero más específicamente la memoria de nuestros fieles difuntos, nos da un sentido de identidad, ayudándonos a arraigarnos a nuestra cultura. Esta conspicua y perenne compañera la asociamos también, paradójicamente, con el placer de vivir ante la inminencia de la muerte.
La Catrina, con su traviesa sonrisa nos invita a asir el momento, y a través de la música y la danza, encontrar el sentido de la vida.
La doble identidad de La Catrina nos recuerda que la vida es aquí, ahora y eternamente, como la música y las artes.

Bunny girls.

Halloween is coming...
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